
Monday, November 9, 2009


Universal Real Earth.( Nation)
We should not Divide and Separate the peoples in the name of Nation because EARTH- the existing exclusive commonwealth was divided and distributed by the political Governments into many nations.

A clannish facet or public facet company hit many departments as administration, accounting, production, sales, distributions, etc, we are giving different obloquy to the departments for the purpose of the easy or well administrations.

But the purpose is full and perfect benefit for the company. Similarly EARTH- the existing exclusive commonwealth was divided and distributed by the political Governments into many nations for the benefit or perfect welfare of the people.

We hit many nations and many governments but the purpose of the nations and governments is for the welfare of the people. If it is true, ground we hit many nations and many governments and many local laws ?

In the solar system there is exclusive digit Sun and exclusive digit Earth and exclusive digit slug . If it is true, it is not possible for digit commonwealth and digit government and digit law, we mean the international government ,
UNIVERSAL REAL SPIRUTIAL KINGDOM (Sun) and international gild (Earth) international laws (moon).

In practical we hit accepted SI units (International Units).
  • 60 Seconds – 1 Minute
  • 60 Minutes – 1 Hour
  • 24 Hours – 1 Day
  • 7 Days – 1 Week etc.
If we hit accepted the above facts, at present we are the citizens of the nations. In future we will welcome as the citizen of the Earth You can realize this at once or you may verify your own time. But conversion by compulsion is unknown to me.

My planet is Earth, my planet system is SOLAR SYSTEM, my accumulation is Milky way Galaxy, my universe is on the full One Universe I Decent ed from the oneness universe as a traveler to the present Earth to perform perfect Duty and after completing the Duty again to ascent to the same place ,the oneness Universe .

Decent ed is a fall of a Apple from a tree. But for to Ascent, due to the Gravitational force, we need a technology. For that technology we need actions.

The state events is Life and Everything's and Every thinking's that's all .Do your Duty Perfectly with up to date
Technology and Holy Consciousness for the universal citizens of the universal gild the exclusive digit real gild and the exclusive way. .

That resulted way of the universal Harmony will Leads Every body to The Universal Real Peace and Freedom .But we need Reforms in our Thoughts and in our Actions. This is exclusive for the present Evolutionary, not to the Revolutionary.